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Tenured Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. Editor-in-chief of International SCI journal Building Simulation. Section Editor of International SCI journal Energy and Buildings. Chair of China HVAC Society’s Building Simulation Committee. Chair of International Building Performance Simulation Association China Affiliation (IBPSA-China). Fellow of IBPSA. Editorial Board Member of International SCI Journal of Building Performance Simulation and BuildingsMainly devoted into development of building performance simulation, research on quantitative description of occupant behavior and low-carbon energy-saving technology in buildings. Prof. Yan has led more than 20 projects, including National Science and Technology Support Program, Project from National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. Prof. Yan has published over 240 journal articles, including more than 120 SCI papers, H-index 37. Besides, he has published more than ten books and reports, and acquired over ten patents and software copyrights. In 2008, he was awarded the Second Prize of National Science Progress Award. 



B.Eng. Heating and Air Conditioning Engineering

1995.09 - 2000.07  Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University

Ph.D. Heating and Air Conditioning Engineering

2000.09 - 2005.07  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University


Professional Experience

2020.12 - now       Tenured Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2017.12 - 2020.12    Tenured Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2009.11 - 2017.12    Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2007.04 - 2009.11    Lecturer, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2005.07 - 2007.04    Postdoctoral Fellowship, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University


Teaching Experience

1. HVAC System Analysis by Simulation, Graduate Course, 2011 till now

2. Building Indoor Thermal Environment Simulation and Application, Graduate Course, 2005 till now

3. Major Cognitive Practice, Undergraduate Course, 2012 till now

4. Introduction to Building Energy Efficiency, Undergraduate Course, 2015 till now 



1. Editor-in-chief of SCI journal: Building Simulation

2. Section Editor of SCI journal: Energy and Buildings

3. Conference Chair of IBPSA international conference Building Simulation 2023

4. Chair of China HVAC Society’s Building Simulation Committee

5. Chair of International Building Performance Simulation Association China Affiliation (IBPSA-China)

6. Operating Agent of IEA EBC Annex 66: Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings

7. Subtask Leader of IEA EBC Annex 79: Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation

8. Editorial Board Member of SCI journal: Journal of Building Performance Simulation

9. Co-chair of ASHRAE Building Human Behavior Technical Committee MTG.OBB

Invited Presentations

Prof. Yan has been invited to give more than 30 presentations in different universities and organizations. Some are listed as follows:

1. "Smart Control of Thermal Energy Storage System with Ensemble Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning", Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers, Sept, 2022

2. "A new model for typical building electricity use profile generation to support renewable energy system and smart grid integration", the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE), July, 2022

3. "Typical occupant behavior pattern calibration & clustering based on VRF operating big data", China-UK Seminar on Urban Heat Island Mitigation and Adaptation, Dec, 2021

4. “Current Status and future perspectives of China’s building construction sector”, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, June, 2019

5. "Challenge and Perspective of Building Performance Simulation Technique", The University of Manchester, May, 2019

6. “Occupant Behavior Modelling for Building Simulation”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October, 2018

7. Building Energy Efficiency and Occupant Behavior”, National University of Singapore, August, 2018

8. IEA Experts’ Dialogue on Materials Trends in Buildings Construction”, International Energy Agency, March, 2018

9. Building Energy in China”, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, April, 2018

10. Occupant Behavior Simulation in Buildings Demands, Undergoing & Perspectives”, University of Cambridge, March, 2017

11. “Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation, Current State and Future Challenges--Introduction of DeST Lab”, Concordia University, November, 2017

12. “Representing the Stochasticity of Occupant Behavior Models in Validation and Simulation”, Laurence Berkeley National Laboratory, June, 2017

13. Building Energy in China”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), June, 2015


Research Projects

Prof. Yan has been in charge of 24 scientific projects in total. Some of the projects are listed as follows:

² Research Project:

1. 13th Five-year National Key R&D Program of China, Development of The Kernel of Building Full Performance Simulation Platform, Leader of Project

2. IEA (International Energy Agency) EBC (Energy in Buildings and Communities) Annex 66: Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings, Operating agent

3. 12th Five-year Plan National Support Program in China: Technology Research and Demonstration of Building Energy Saving and Efficiency Upgrade in Northeast Cold Regions, Leader of Project

4. National Natural Science Foundation for Key Program: Research on Quantitative Description and Simulation Methodology of Occupant Behavior in Buildings, Leader of Project.

5. National Natural Science Foundation for International Cooperation Program: Research on the Impact of Chinese and British Occupant Behavior on Building Energy Consumption, Leader of Project.

6. National Natural Science Foundation for Youths: Research on Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings, Leader of Project.

7. Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: Chronological and Multi-dimension Metrological Parameters Generation Method for Building HVAC system design in Beijing, Leader of Project.

8. Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: Analysis Method of Cooling and Heating Load Simulation of Building Communities, Leader of Project.


²  Engineering Project:

1. Daxing International Airport, Green Operation Plan Consultation

2. Wuhan Center (400 meters in height, 350,000㎡) Energy Efficiency Consultation

3. Research on Comprehensive Technology of Building Energy Efficiency in Large Railway Passenger Stations

4. HAVC System Design of Harbin West Station and Jilin Station

5. Beijing Jiangtai Business Center (300,000 ) Energy Efficiency Consultation

6. HVAC System Design of Shanghai Industrial Taikoo Hui (480,000)

7. Energy Efficiency System Design and Optimization of Swire Coca-Cola factory

8. Capital Hotel Energy Efficiency Consultation

9. Cooling Load Prediction and Cooling System Optimization of One Island East

10. Energy Efficiency Evaluation of HVAC System in National Stadium

11. Energy Efficiency Evaluation of HVAC System in Beijing Metro Line 4


Papers & Books

Prof. Yan has published 122 SCI journal articles. H-index: 37. Some are listed as follows:


1. Yan Da*, Zhou X, An J, et al. DeST 3.0: A new-generation building performance simulation platform [J]. Build Simul, 2022, 15(11): 1849-68.

2. Yan Da*, O’Brien William, Hong Tianzhen, et al. Occupant behavior modeling for building performance simulation: Current state and future challenges[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 107: 264-278.

3. Yan Da*, Hong Tianzhen*, Dong Bing, et al. IEA EBC Annex 66: Definition and simulation of occupant behavior in buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 156: 258-270

4. Hu Shan, Yan Da*, Guo Siyue, Cui Ying, Dong Bing. A survey on energy consumption and energy usage behavior of households and residential building in urban China, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 148: 366-378

5. Hu Shan, Yan Da*, Cui Ying, Guo Siyue. Urban residential heating in hot summer and cold winter zones of China-Status, modeling, and scenarios to 2030, Energy Policy, 2016, 92: 158-170.

6. Peng Chen, Yan Da*, Guo Siyue, et al. Building energy use in China: ceiling and scenario[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 102: 307-316.

7. Yu Xinqiao, Yan Da*, Sun Kaiyu, et al. Comparative study of the cooling energy performance of variable refrigerant flow systems and variable air volume systems in office buildings[J]. Applied energy,      2016, 183: 725-736.

8. Guo Siyue, Yan Da*, Hu, Shan, Zhang, Yang. Modelling building energy consumption in China under different future scenarios, Energy, 2021, 214.

9. Zhang Yang, Yan Da*, Hu Shan*, Guo Siyue. Modelling of energy consumption and carbon emission from the building construction sector in China, a process-based LCA approach, Energy Policy, 2019,  134.

10. Yan Da*, Jin Yuan, Sun Hongsan, et al. Household appliance recognition through a Bayes classification model, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 46.

11. Yan Da*, Hong Tianzhen, Li Cheng, et al. A thorough assessment of China's standard for energy consumption of buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 143: 114-128.


²  Books & Reports:

1.          《The Future of Cooling in China, Delivering on action plans for sustainable air conditioning》(2019)

2.          《Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings》(2018)

3.          《China Building Energy Use》(2016 – 2018)

4.          《Building Energy Use in China: Transforming Construction and Influencing Consumption to 2050》(2015)

5.          《Comparison of Building Energy Modeling Programs: HVAC Systems》(2014)


²  Standards:

1. Standard method of test for the evaluation of building energy analysis computer programs (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2017)

2. Standard for green performance calculation of civil buildings (JGJ/T 449-2018)

3. Standard for energy consumption of building (GB/T 51161-2016)

4. The weather parameters for heating ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings. Beijing. (DB 11/T 1643-2019)

5. Technical standard for thermal storage air-conditioning system (JGJ 158-2018)

6. Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of industrial buildings (GB 50019-2015)

7. Standard for energy efficiency assessment of public buildings (DB11/T 1198-2015)

8. Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings. Beijing. (DB11/891-2012)

9. Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings. Beijing. (DB11/687-2015)


Software Copyright

Prof. Yan has obtained 12 software copyrights in total. Some are listed as follows:

1. Joint Software Copyright between THU and LBNL – Occupant Behavior Simulation Software [obFMU]

2. Building Full Performance Simulation Platform DeST V3.0

3. Software of Data Mining on Energy Consumption of Buildings V1.0

4. Dynamic Simulation Software of Building Shading [DeST-BS] V1.0

5. Software of Dataset of Meteorological Data in Beijing [MEDPHA-Beijing] V1.0

6. Software of Multi-Module Building Load Simulation [DeST-FMI] V1.0

7. Software of Cooling and Heating Load of Communities Analysis [DeST-district] V1.0

8. Occupant Action Simulation Software V1.0

9. Occupancy Simulation Software V1.0

10. Specific Dataset Software for Building Design with the Property of Multi-Rate of Assurance and Independence of Parameters V1.0



1. Second Prize of National Science Progress Award of China. Development and Application of DeST for Building Energy Conservation. (2008)

2. First National Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of China Ministry of Education Development and Application of DeST for Building Energy Conservation. (2008)

3. Second Prize for Science and Technology of China Ministry of Railways. Research on Building Energy Integrated Technology of Large Railway Stations, 2011.

4. “Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency” Series Annual Report, National Energy Administration, 2014 Advanced Research on Energy Policy Science Second Prize. (2014)

5. Highly Cited Paper Award. DeST - An Integrated Building Simulation Toolkit. Part I: Fundamentals. Building Simulation. (2017)

6. Best Review Paper 2008-2017. Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges. Energy and Buildings. (2018)

7. International Building Performance Simulation Association Fellow (IBPSA-Fellow). (2019)


² Google Scholar//scholar.google.com/citations?user=uEYEo18AAAAJ&hl=en

² ResearchGate//www.researchgate.net/profile/Da-Yan

² Web of Science: //www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAI-8879-2021

² LinkedIn: //www.linkedin.com/in/da-yan-5b150015/

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